Social Trends You Can Put Into Practice in 2019

NOTE: These are my personal notes from Digital Summit 2019 in Phoenix. They contain no copyrighted material or links to any copyrighted material offered during the session.

SPEAKER: Georgia Dahle from Hootsuite


5 Social Trends to Discuss:

·      Rebuilding Trust

·      Storifying Social

·      Closing the Ads Gap

·      Cracking the Commerce Code

·      Messaging Eats the World


Rebuilding Trust:


·      People are starting to mistrust more brands.

·      60% of consumers no longer trust social media platforms.

o   Fake News

o   Bots

o   Data Privacy

·      Bring in Smaller groups of influencers

·      Engagement should be intimate – not necessarily to the “many”


Storifying Social:


·      IG Stories are becoming bigger and bigger

·      Facebook predicts that Stories will overtake News Feeds in viewership in the year 2019

·      Rise of Lo-Fi – Use Authenticity rather than polished and pretty (this is seen as less than genuine).

·      Need to understand the ROI behind stories. Stories come and go and you need to figure out how to determine that ROI


Closing the Ads Gap:


·      Paid Digital Ads up 32% in 2018

·      Invest in Creativity to Rise Above the Noise

·      Personalize (segmentation – hyper targeting your message to the people to whom it matters)

·      Find and Master new Social Advertising Formats (Spotify?)


Cracking the Commerce Codes:


·      70% of China’s Gen Z’ers now buy directly on Social (America is heading this direction)

·      Instagram Shoppable Posts

·      Role of Mobile Video in Shopping

·      The value of Live Streaming


Messaging Eats the World:


·      Customers are demanding better 1:1 Conversation

·      5 Billion Monthly Active Users on Messaging Apps

·      2 Billion Monthly Active Users on Social Media

·      Trend: Consumers are retreating to private spaces

·      Unified Inbox so you can see all messages in one place

·      Use of AI and Bots to handle the volume of incoming messages

Garrett Hauenstein